by Katie Rachanow
I believe that with anything in life,
things have a way of working out. So
when I was posed the question; “Why did you become a doula?” I was a little stumped. To be honest, I have
no idea. But this is how the journey unfolded.

I had been studying yoga and pregnancy for
sometime before becoming pregnant. I
have a deep routed interest in people and their health and the health of their
babies. So when I was looking at
trainings for the year I was pleasantly surprised that England has some of the
most educated and well trained teachers of pregnancy and birth in the world. I
decided that I couldn’t leave this country without meeting Michel Odent. Odent
is the first doctor to write about Waterbirth and about the impact that birth
has on our civilization. I had no idea
what a doula was or what the work would entail but I did know that I needed to
meet this man! And the way to do that was to take the Paramana Doula training
Odent and Liliana Lammers offered in London.
So I sign up!!!
I had heard of doulas (they are fairly
popular in America) but I had never known exactly what they do. A doula is a person that supports the family
unconditionally with emotional, physical and informational support throughout
pregnancy, birth and beyond. I learned
so much at that training. And although I left with a new understanding of birthing,
I still wasn’t sure that I would become a doula afterwards. I just thought that
it would be a good addition to my pregnancy yoga classes, and it was. However, a couple of my yoga students heard
that I had become a doula and all of a sudden before I knew what was happening
I was sitting in a hospital room helping a mom have her baby. Four short months
and 4 births later, I became a certified/recognized doula with Doula UK.

I continue to learn from each experience
and every story I hear (I will forever be a student). And I still can’t believe
that I have had the unexpected good fortune to slip into a role where I get to
help a new baby meet the world.
Have you used a doula? Let us know about your experience by commenting below...
Have you used a doula? Let us know about your experience by commenting below...
It hopefully won't be long until we have some NCT doulas available locally: