1 August
Ickworth: Look Out Archery,
The ultimate archery experience for all ages. Fun for all the family
with bows to suit all ages. Have a go on this fantastic range in the wonderful
setting of Ickworth. Can you master this traditional sport, whatever your age
or experience, the instructors will help you along for a great experience.
Epic (U): Ely Cinema, 3.00pm
A teenager (Amanda Seyfield) finds herself transported fairy-size to a
deep forest where a battle between the forces of good and evil is taking place.
She bands together with a rag-tag group characters in order to save their
world… and ours.
2 August
Wicken Fen: Wicken Warriors,
10.30am-12.30pm, 2.00-4.00pm
Become a member of Hereward the Wake's outlaw gang. Games, tracking,
challenges, team work and much more. Suitable for ages 6-12. Booking essential.
Ickworth: Look Out Archery,
For information, see 1 August
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
3 August
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Fitzwilliam Museum: Family First
Saturdays, 2.00-4.00pm
On the first Saturday of each month visit our Fitz Family Welcome Point
in the Courtyard and collect drawing materials, activities and trails to use
throughout the museum
Cambridge Botanic Garden: The
Magic Brick Tree, 11.00am-3.00pm
Discover the story of The Magic Brick Tree and join in with our
modelling workshop where you will discover how to make your own magical
Huntingdon Garden and Leisure:
Animal Talks, 11.00am
FREE - Animal Talks every Saturday at 11am in our Pets & Aquatics
Department, come in store to meet our animals and find out everything you need
to know about owning a pet... FREE stickers and Balloons for the childen.
Today: Spiders & Scorpions
4 August
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Jubilee Gardens: Lighthouse in
the Park, 10.00am-12.00noon
Join Lighthouse at Jubilee Gardens for a Sunday morning treat. Relax in
the sunshine enjoying the band playing in the bandstand. Let the kids have fun
in the park, with free facepainting and games. Free refreshments and hotdogs
will be available.
Kettle’s Yard: Studio Sundays,
Drop in practical art workshops for all ages. Join us to make your own
artwork inspired by our exhibitions and collection. A chance to explore, chat,
sketch, make and play.
5 August
Wicken Fen: Den Building,
10.30am-12.30pm, 2.00-4.00pm
Big dens, little dens, plus games and challenges. Little dens for
minibeasts and big dens for you. Plus games and challenges inspired by sticks.
Booking essential.
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Ely Cathedral: Children’s
Holiday Drop-In Sessions, 10.00am-12.00noon
Every Monday and Wednesday in August. Free holiday drop-in sessions for
children. All ages welcome. Storytelling, puzzles and games, craft and brass
rubbings plus Undercover Bear Trail around the Cathedral.
6 August
Wicken Fen: Pond dipping and
minibeast hunt, 10.30-11.15am, 11.15am-12.00noon, 12.00noon-12.45pm,
1.45-2.30pm, 2.30-3.15pm
Come and discover the minibeasts that live at Wicken Fen. 30 minute
pond dipping session, followed by minibeast hunt. Booking essential.
Houghton Mill: Get Blown Away,
Just one of many children's activities held every Tuesday at Houghton
Mill over the summer holidays...Make a windmill on a stick to turn in the
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Pop in and create your own works of art to take home or add to a group
installation. On each of the four days we will be exploring and experimenting
with a different art material, usi
ng the Museum collection for creative
7 August
Ely Cathedral: Children’s
Holiday Drop-In Sessions, 10.00am-12.00noon
Every Monday and Wednesday in August. Free holiday drop-in sessions for
children. All ages welcome. Storytelling, puzzles and games, craft and brass
rubbings plus Undercover Bear Trail around the Cathedral.
Wicken Fen: Mud Glorious Mud,
10.30am-12.30pm, 2.00-4.00pm
Your chance to get really dirty! Explore the finer qualities of mud,
for throwing, painting and building. Booking essential.
Anglesey Abbey: Summer Holiday
Wild Wednesdays - Birds and Moths day, 11.00am-1.00pm, 2.00-4.00pm
Birds and moths day: find out all about these flying creatures small
and large through bird watching and moth trapping.
Ickworth: Fun bird feeders,
Look after the birds in your garden; come along and make bird feeders
from natural materials. Mix a tasty, energy filled treat for the birds to hang
in your gardens. Have fun making a bird mobile craft to hang above your bed and
take a walk down to our bird feeding hide.
Ickworth: A world of wings
display, 1.30-2.30pm
One of the most unique bird displays & experiences in the UK. A
world of wings join us for a display of some of their birds. With parrots,
kingfishers, birds of prey, crows, and more this is a real treat to see these
magnificent creatures in action.
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Fitzwilliam Museum: Art Week,
For information, see 7 August
Summer Craft Sessions based on the Creepy House Summer Reading
Challenge. Booking
Soham Library Summer Creepy Animal Experience, 2.00-3.00pm
Join us for a Creepy Animal Experience at Soham Library. All children
must be accompanied by an adult. Please purchase tickets in advance from Soham
Library. Strictly aged 3+ (children
under 3 will not be allowed entry).
8 August
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Welney WWT: Butterfly workshop,
Join us for a workshop to help you identify butterflies and survey for
these beautiful insects. This will be
led by local expert, Louise Bacon, who is Butterfly Survey Officer and Recorder
for Cambridgeshire. Times will be spent
inside for an introduction, they going out onto the reserve to put what we've
learnt into practice. Butterfly id charts will be provided and any sightings from
the day can be submitted to the Big butterfly count run by the Butterfly
Conservation Trust.
Ely Museum: Summer Crafts,
Come and join in with these fun summer crafts: Make a scratch board
picture of an object in Ely Museum. design and make a flower display, coin
rubbing and more. Suitable for ages 5 -11 years; under 8's must be accompanied
by an adult.
Epic (U): Ely Cinema, 3.00pm

Fitzwilliam Museum: Art Week,
For information, see 7 August
9 August
Wicken Fen: Summertime Arts and
Crafts, 10.30am-12.30pm, 2.00-4.00pm
Arts and Crafts inspired by nature and the season. Suitable for ages
3-10. Booking essential.
Wimpole Estate: Pond Dipping,
Use a net and magnifying glass to discover what's living in our ponds.
Hunt for insects and invertebrates and get up close and personal with weird and
wonderful pond creatures. Event running between 11 -3. Drop in for a go between
this time. Booking advisable.
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Fitzwilliam Museum: Art Week,
For information, see 7 August
Mr Rainbow's Magic Show at
Cottenham Library, 2.00-3.00pm
The Amazing Mr Rainbow will be performing magic, songs and his spooky
puppet show at Cottenham Library. Tickets are required for this event and are
available from Cottenham Library.
Numbers are limited, so please book early to avoid disappointment.
10 August
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Huntingdon Garden and Leisure:
Animal Talks, 11.00am
For information, see 3 August. Today: Hamsters & Mice
11 August
Wimpole Estate: Tracks and
Signs, 10.30am-12.00noon
Come and practice your tracking and ID skills. Find clues to discover
who lives in the parkland and woodland at Wimpole, and test your tracking
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Kettle’s Yard: Studio Sundays,
For information, see 4 August
12 August
Wicken Fen: Wildlife Detectives,
10.30am-12.30pm, 2.00-4.00pm
Become a wildlife detective, and see how much Wicken Fen wildlife you
can discover. Suitable for age 4-12. What lives in the pond? Which minibeasts
call Wicken Fen home? What have the owls been eating? Birds, plants and
anything else we can spot. Booking essential.
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Ely Cathedral: Children’s
Holiday Drop-In Sessions, 10.00am-12.00noon
For information, see 5 August
13 August
Houghton Mill: Weaving for fun,
Just one of many children's activities held every Tuesday at Houghton
Mill over the summer holidays...Use different materials to create a woven
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Soham Library Summer Craft
Session, 10.30-11.30am
Summer Craft Session based on the Creepy House Summer Reading
Challenge. All ages welcome.
Numbers are limited so please purchase tickets in advance from Soham
14 August
Wicken Fen: Myth and Magic,
Help free the tree sprite from the old fen tree, and the curse of the
Fen Witch. Children's event, suitable for age 4-9. The wicked Fen Witch has
trapped the tree sprite, so she can have the fen to herself. Can you piece
together the map and spell, and collect everything you need to defeat the
witch? Booking essential.
Anglesey Abbey: Summer Holiday
Wild Wednesdays - Den Building, 11.00am-1.00pm and 2.00-4.00pm
Find out how to build the best dens with help from our Community
Ickworth: Bee day,
Guided walks to the Ickworth bee hives to learn all about how bees work
together to produce honey and help the environment. Have fun making some bee
crafts and candles from wax (small charge for candle making).
Ickworth: A world of wings
display, 1.30-2.30pm
For information, see 7 August
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Ely Cathedral: Children’s
Holiday Drop-In Sessions, 10.00am-12.00noon
For information, see 7 August
Ely Library Summer Craft
Sessions, 10.30-11.30am
For information, see 7 August
15 August
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Despicable Me 2 (U): Ely Cinema,
Animated comedy. Gru is recruited by the Anti-Villain League to help
deal with a powerful new super criminal. Let’s hear it for the minions!
The Museum of Cambridge: Dreams
of Summer, 10.00am-3.00pm
For information, see 14 August
Ely Museum: Keep Calm and Carry
On, 11.00am-3.00pm
World War II activities. Drop in anytime between 11am & 3pm and
join in with fun activities. Make do and mend - can you darn a sock or sew on a
button? Try Knitting and French knitting. Taste vinegar cake, mock banana and
other 'delicacies' . Make a World War II toy. Learn about rationing and foods
eaten during the war in talks and demonstrations.
Ely Library Summer Creepy Animal
Experience, 10.30-11.30am
Join us for a Creepy Animal Experience at Ely Library. This event is
for children aged 3+. Children under 3 will not be allowed entry. Tickets are
limited so please purhase in advance from Ely Library.
16 August
Wicken Fen: Den Building,
10.30am-12.30pm, 2.00-4.00pm
For information, see 5 August
Wimpole Estate: Minibeast Magic,
Take a closer look at the creepy crawlies that live at Wimpole. Come
and help identify the beasties that call Wimpole their home. Drop in between 11
- 3 to have a go. Booking advisable.
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
17 August
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Huntingdon Garden and Leisure:
Animal Talks, 11.00am
For information, see 3 August. Today: Fish
Chatteris Library: Get Close to
Some Creepy Creatures, 2.00-3.00pm
Lion Learners will be bringing some fascinating animals including
spiders, snakes and lizards to a library near you. Suitable for children aged 5
years and upwards. Numbers are limited
so please book early.
18 August
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Prickwillow Drainage Engine
Museum: Stationary Engines and Vintage Tractors, 11.00am
Large variety of outside exhibits as well as indoor exhibits of model
engines and working Meccano models. Hot & Cold Food - Engine Runs - Lots to
enjoy for all the family.
Kettle’s Yard: Studio Sundays,
For information, see 4 August
19 August
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Ely Cathedral: Children’s
Holiday Drop-In Sessions, 10.00am-12.00noon
For information, see 5 August
20 August
Houghton Mill: Board Game
Challenge, 1.00-4.30pm
Just one of many children's activities held every Tuesday at Houghton
Mill over the summer holidays...Make your own version of snakes & ladders
based on working life at the Mill.
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
21 August
Wicken Fen: Wicken Warriors, 10.30am-12.30pm,
For information, see 2 August
Anglesey Abbey: Summer Holiday
Wild Wednesdays - All things stick, 11.00am-1.00pm and 2.00-4.00pm
All things stick: find out how much fun you can have with sticks from
making trails to creating homes for wild animals.
Ickworth: Games day,
Join us for a games day and fun on the lawn. Lots of fun races,
hopscotch, noughts and crosses, giant snakes and ladders and achieveing a few
of your 50 things to do before you're 11 and 3/4s.
Ickworth: A world of wings
display, 1.30-2.30pm
For information, see 7 August
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Ely Cathedral: Children’s
Holiday Drop-In Sessions, 10.00am-12.00noon
For information, see 7 August
Make summer last longer with your favourite seaside treats to make and
take home. Create a paper penny ice, super stick of rock or brilliant bag of
fish and chips and then take a photo of
your family in Victorian dress to prove
the seaside really has come to Cambridge!
Ely Library Summer Craft
Sessions, 10.30-11.30am
For information, see 7 August
22 August
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Ely Museum: Little Red Riding
Hood, 11.00am-12.30pm
Decorate a delicious bun and then make a basket to put it in, design a
mask of a Red Riding Hood character and then enjoy a Grand Finale puppet show.
Suitable for ages 5 - 11 years, under 8's must be accompanied by an adult.
Please purchase tickets in advance to guarantee your place.
Animated comedy. Gru is recruited by the Anti-Villain League to help
deal with a powerful new super criminal. Let’s hear it for the minions!
Ely Library Summer Creepy Animal
Experience, 10.30-11.30am
Join us for a Creepy Animal Experience at Ely Library. This event is
for children aged 3+. Children under 3 will not be allowed entry. Tickets are
limited so please purchase in advance from Ely Library.
23 August
Wicken Fen: Fairies and Pixies,
Come and meet the Fenland Fairies. Meet all the fenland fairies, help
Nanny Sparkles with a little magic, plus fairy crafts. Suitable for ages 3-7.
Booking essential.
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
24 August
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Fenland Country Fair
(Stow-Com-Quy), 9.00am-5.30pm
Ring Events All Day, plus Gundog competition,
Vintage cars and tractors, Casting competition, Heavy horses, Falconry display,
Archery, Clay pigeon shooting, Terrier Show and racing, Ferret show and racing,
Cage birds, Donkey rides, Poultry, Bee
keeping, Thrashing demonstration, Rural crafts, Quality trade stands, Bar and
full catering, Cookery demonstration all day.
Huntingdon Garden and Leisure:
Animal Talks, 11.00am
For information, see 3 August. Today: Snakes & Lizards
25 August
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Kettle’s Yard: Studio Sundays,
For information, see 4 August
Fenland Country Fair
(Stow-Com-Quy), 9.00am-5.30pm
For information, see 24 August
Grafton Centre Kids’ Club,
Today: Back to School -Make a 100% eco pencil case for the new school
year. All craft activities are FREE for members of The Grafton Kids' Club – and
there is no fee to join. If you would like your child to join The Grafton Kid's
Club come along to one of our events, they're on the last Sunday of every
month. As a member you will receive a membership card and a free gift every
time you attend. Join Gordon The Grafton Gorilla and his gang on the last
Sunday of every month, where he will be hosting a 'get-together' between 11am
and 4pm.
26 August
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Ely Cathedral: Children’s
Holiday Drop-In Sessions, 10.00am-12.00noon
Fenland Country Fair
(Stow-Com-Quy), 9.00am-5.30pm
For information, see 24 August
27 August
Houghton Mill: Bits and Pieces,
Just one of many children's activities held every Tuesday at Houghton
Mill over the summer holidays...Cut and stick your way to create a colourful
mosaic design.
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
28 August
Wicken Fen: Den Building,
10.30am-12.30pm, 2.00-4.00pm
For information, see 5 August
Anglesey Abbey: Summer Holiday
Wild Wednesdays - Den Building, 11.00am-1.00pm and 2.00-4.00pm
Find out how to build the best dens with help from our Community
Ickworth: Nature crafts,
Make leaf prints and rubbings, design your own nature sticky cards.
Follow the nature trail and make some fun crafts.
Ickworth: A world of wings
display, 1.30-2.30pm
For information, see 7 August
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Ely Cathedral: Children’s
Holiday Drop-In Sessions, 10.00am-12.00noon
For information, see 7 August
The Museum of Cambridge: A City
Summer Adventure- Stylish Shoppers! 10.30am-12.00noon, 1.00-2.30pm
Go on a summer city adventure and create a unique, abstract-printed
calico shopping bag using found objects to make marks that you can’t make with
a paintbrush! Local artist Mandy will be there to guide and inspire you with
top printing tips and tricks. Booking essential.
Ely Library Summer Craft
Sessions, 10.30-11.30am
For information, see 7 August
29 August
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Ely Museum: Furry Fun Day with
Wood Green, 11.00am-3.00pm
Wood Green Animal Shelter are returning to Ely Museum and bringing some
of their small Furry Friends with them. Come and meet them and ask pet advice.
Also make a toy for your pet.
30 August
Wicken Fen: Wildlife Detectives,
10.30am-12.30pm, 2.00-4.00pm
For information, see 12 August
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
31 August
Welney WWT: Summer holiday
activities, 9.30am-5.00pm
For information, see 1 August
Welney WWT: Bumblebee survey,

Huntingdon Garden and Leisure:
Animal Talks, 11.00am
For information, see 3 August. Today: Birds
Trains and Teddies (Cambridge
Model Engineering Society), 12.00noon
Special miniature train running event. FREE ADMISSION. A fun afternoon
of Train Rides and activities to raise money for Breakthrough Breast Cancer.
Bring the whole family and teddy for a picnic. Train rides £1 per person,
Children's Fun Corner, Teddy and Sweet Tombola, Hook a Duck, Splat a Rat....
and lots, lots more. Refreshments with lovely homemade cakes and biscuits for
sale, money raised to go to Ward C2, Children's Oncology, Addenbrookes. The
gates are open at midday and the train rides will start at 1.30 p.m.
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