So rotation won.
I spent Christmas evening busily tidying away toys and setting out the new ones on the shelves. I had a little move around, got out some new puzzles from the "I'll grow into it box" put all the books (except library books) onto the bookshelf. Fabulous! I feel in control again! l
I took photos while it was tidy - though this does happen, to a greater or lesser extent, at the end of each day. Incidentally, the little cooker in the photo was made for me by my Granddad about 40 years ago, and has just emerged from my Mum's loft!
It's working so far, though Arthur did discover the box that I hid all the the toys in that are not currently out to play. I told him they were having a rest and put them back again and he seemed to accept that (for now at least). It got me thinking though, however to you deal with this when you have more than one child, all of whom have several Christmases under their belt?
Maybe you clear out in advance to create space? Perhaps you involve the kids in deciding what goes? Do you regift? Pack them away for the next Nearly New Sale? Build an extension?
We'd love to hear your hints tips and ideas. Please share by commenting below.
We built an extension. Not only for the Christmas presents, but because our 3 bed semi was feeling increasingly small with three growing children. We do try to get rid of toys as they grow out of them, but that's difficult as they children never accept that they are too old for stuff, the best tactic for gaining their co-operation in getting rid of outgrown toys has been to tell them to choose stuff to pass on to a younger friend or relative. My children don't even really accept that broken toys need to be disposed of.