In 2013, across the UK about 800,000 babies will be born. Four hundred thousand new families will be created and the rest will adjust to the addition of a new person. The lives of the parents, especially the newly created ones, will change forever.
I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that society often prefers to look the other way or talk only about the joy of a new baby. Parents are often under-supported and scapegoated for the ills of society at large. Too often businesses can see new parents only as an important source of revenue rather than a target for nurturing – no wonder emotional turmoil, physical exhaustion, relationship strain, loneliness and feeling time- or money-poor are so common.
Each year we set out to tackle this, and each year – with your help – we have achieved more. So I want to put on record my appreciation of your contribution to NCT’s achievements and the difference we have been making for over half a century.
But as I give you my thanks I ask for more: not for me, but for the hundreds of thousands of children and parents who have yet to, or could further, benefit from our support. I want them to benefit from your experience, your joys and your troubles.
And as the recession continues I want to ensure we offer the support of NCT the length and breadth of the UK. So in the first months of this New Year we will be working to put an NCT helpline card into the hand of every mum or dad-to-be.
We have printed 1.8 million NCT helpline cards. A sheet of 6 will go to most midwives, health visitors and students. You will get a sheet inside NCT Matters. A sheet will go to everyone who attends an NCT class to pass on. I hope also that every branch will include a sheet with their newsletters. And many more are waiting for branches to order them via the branch order system.
I urge you to join me and pass six on: perhaps to people you know, but more importantly to people you don't. Do you have the courage to say hello to a pregnant women and hand her a card? I know I certainly will. If we don't, who will make sure she doesn't miss out? Just those few words from you may be enough to make her feel OK to call us or visit our website.
I am planning on 2013 being a good year, and with your support to get a helpline card to every new parent in your patch, it could be great year – not just for you and NCT, but for those hundreds of thousands of babies and families too.
Here's to a happy, healthy and successful New Year.
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