Every Day
Ickworth - 50 Things
to do before you're 11 and three quarters, 9am-5pm
Come to Ickworth to try out some activities every child
should do before they're 11 and three quarters. Join us for a series of
activities and try out some new things; eat some wild blackberries, find a
geocache, build a den or climb a tree. You can also look inside a tree, make a
mud pie and enjoy a wide variety of activities with friends and family. See how
many things you can do at Ickworth and other National Trust properties.
Saturday 6 October
We will be running a series of workshops relating to
crystals, dowsing and ley lines alongside getting creative with wand making and
breaking open geodes for children. There be dragons, singing bowls and storytelling
in our yurt, crystal card readings and guidance of how crystals can help with
people experiencing challenges in their lives.
Cambridge Botanic
Gardens – Autumn Colours, 11am-3pm
Have fun collecting fallen treasures in the Garden and use
these as inspiration to create colourful autumn artworks. Part of our drop-in ‘Family
Saturdays’ series which take place on the first Saturday of every month.
Fitzwilliam Museum –
Family First Saturdays, 2-4pm
On the first Saturday of each month visit our Fitz Family
Welcome Point, where families can collected drawing materials, activities and
trails to use throughout the Museum.
Wysing Arts Centre
(Bourn) – Family Workshop, 2-4.30pm
Drop-in family workshop as part of the Big Draw. Join us to
make a collective artwork. Free admission.
Sunday 7 October
Ickworth – Magical
Crystal Garden, 11.30am-4pm
For information, see 6 October
Pixar is back with a computer-animated story that evokes the
classic fairy-tale formula of Disney’s early hand-drawn gems. Set in the
rugged, emerald wilds of the ancient Scottish Highlands, BRAVE follows a young
princess named Merida (Macdonald) as she challenges tradition and faces her
destiny head on.
One for Mums Mini Business Expo, Menzie Hotel (Bar Hill),
Cambridgeshire Mums Business Club will be hosting a Mini
Business Expo in support of Business Mums Week. The aim of the event will be to
encourage mums along to find out what opportunities, help and advice there is
available if wanting to set up a business from home. We will have established
mum-owned businesses as well as service providers who can offer practical help
and support in the early days and throughout. The event will be FREE for
Wednesday 10 October
Wicken Fen – Mucky
Pups Do...Autumn Activities, 10.30am-12midday
Pre-school fun and games with an autumnal twist. Wear
clothes prepared to go outside, and possibly to get mucky. Booking essential.
Meet at the Visitor Centre.
Saturday 13 October
Ickworth House –
Living History, 11am-5pm
You've seen Downton Abbey. Now come and experience Ickworth
Lives, the real stories of the people who lived and worked at Ickworth in the
thirties. Join us for a special historic day and follow in the footsteps of Mr
Collins, the Butler, who liked the odd tipple or two, Mrs Sangster the Cook,
who managed the kitchens for over 50 years, the hall boys, kitchen maids and
the gardeners. Experience what life was like for servants and estate workers on
this grand estate.
Balsham Craft and
Gifts Fair, 10.30am-4pm
Annual Craft & Gifts Fair with over 40 stalls, plus
delicious cakes & refreshments, face painting, tombola, raffles. Ample free
Sunday 14 October
East of England Showground
– East of England Autumn Show, 9am-4.30pm
Visitors to the show can expect to see thousands of animals
of all shapes and sizes, from small livestock exhibits to special displays of
rare and endangered livestock breeds. The East of England Giant Vegetable
Competition will show the fruits of a season of hard work by the region’s
vegetable growers. There will be many displays of traditional country life as
well as large animal exhibits. Discover the ideal opportunity to make an early
start on some Christmas shopping with a wide variety almost 200 trade stands to
choose from. There will also be plenty of attractions to keep children amused
including a traditional Victorian funfair.
Balsham Craft and
Gifts Fair, 10.30am-4pm
For information, see 13 October
Saturday 20 October
The annual Apple Festival held on Ely´s Palace Green has
become East Anglia´s biggest celebration of the great British Apple : Apple and
Spoon racing, longest apple peel competition, apple activities and goodies
including apple sausages, juices, ciders and cookery demonstrations. Free
Saturday 27 October
Houghton Mill –
Halloween at the Mill, 5.30-7.30pm
Enjoy a Halloween supper of jacket spuds, bangers and beans
in the tea room. Then make your own lantern to light your way around the spooky
Halloween trail in the mill. Booking essential.
Wicken Fen – Family
Fun Walking Trail, 10am-4.30pm
Get outdoors and closer to nature on our family trail. Your
chance to tick off some more of the ‘50 Things to Do before you're 11’.
Ickworth – Family Fun
Challenge Trail
Join our fun family trail in the woods around Ickworth with
clues to solve, treasures to collect and fun challenges for all the family.
Great views and great fun for the whole family including your four legged
friends. Walk is approximately 3 miles long.
Welney Widlfowl and
Wetlands Trust – Half Term Family Activities
Enjoy the start of the winter wildlife spectacle as
thousands of birds migrate to the UK to stay at wetlands like WWT Welney. Have a go at the activity stations in the
pond room or take an activity clipboard (recommended donation 50p) and explore
the reserve. With discovery trail and
swan feed at 3.30pm there are plenty of ways to enjoy the great outdoors at WWT
Welney this half term.
Sunday 28 October
Denny Abbey –
Farmyard Halloween Fun, 10am-4pm
Pumpkin carving, face painting, apple bobbing, witches and
wizards broomstick racing, willow weaving, family trail and much much more…!
Wicken Fen – Family
Fun Walking Trail, 10am-4.30pm
For information, see 27 October
Ickworth – Family Fun
Challenge Trail
For information, see 27 October
Welney Widlfowl and
Wetlands Trust – Half Term Family Activities
For information, see 27 October
Monday 29 October
Wicken Fen – Pram
Push, 10.30-11.30am
Step out with your babies and toddlers for a buggy-friendly
countryside walk (approx 2.5 miles). Meet at Wicken Fen car park.
Wicken Fen – Family
Fun Walking Trail, 10am-4.30pm
For information, see 27 October
Ickworth – Family Fun
Challenge Trail
For information, see 27 October
Welney Widlfowl and
Wetlands Trust – Half Term Family Activities
For information, see 27 October
Cambridge Corn
Exchange – Tinga Tinga Tales, 11.30am and 2.30pm

Tuesday 30 October
Denny Abbey –
Children’s Activity Day: Ghostly Chandeliers, 12-4pm
In preparation for Halloween celebrations. Drop-in session.
No need to book. Suitable for children aged 4+. Children must be accompanied by
an adult.
Wicken Fen – Batty
Halloween, 10.30am-12.30pm and 2-4pm
Get ready for Halloween with some spooky fun! Come along in
costume - if you want to - for some naturally scary goings on. Games and craft.
Booking essential. Meet at the Visitor Centre.
Wicken Fen – Family
Fun Walking Trail, 10am-4.30pm
For information, see 27 October
Ickworth House –
Living History, 11am-5pm
For information, see 13 October
Ickworth – Family Fun
Challenge Trail
For information, see 27 October
Welney Widlfowl and
Wetlands Trust – Half Term Family Activities
For information, see 27 October
From the horrible Henries to the end of evil Elizabeth, hear
the legends (and the lies!) about the torturing Tudors. Find out the fate of
Henry’s headless wives and his punch up with the Pope. Survive the Spanish
Armada as it sails into the audience! Using actors and ground-breaking 3D
special effects, this show is guaranteed to thrill you and your children.
Historical figures and events will come alive on stage and hover at your
Cambridge Arts
Theatre – Horrible Histories: Vile Victorians, 7pm
Could you be a Victorian historian? What exactly did a baby
farmer do? Can you escape the misery of the mines or the filth of the
factories? Do your best to dodge to escape the rotten railway and prepare for
the Charge of the Light Brigade? Using actors and ground-breaking 3D special
effects, this show is guaranteed to thrill you and your children. Historical
figures and events will come alive on stage and hover at your fingertips.
Mumford Theatre
(Anglia Ruskin University) – Rapunzel, 2.30pm
With fantastic music from Chris Mellor, beautiful movement
from TC Howard and magical design by Catherine Chapman, Rapunzel is a
delightful new production for children about the curiosity and joys of growing
up, risk taking and discovering who you are.
Wednesday 31 October
Anglesey Abbey – Children's
Garden Discovery Walk, 11am-12.30pm and 2-3.30pm
What will you discover on this wonderful walk around the
Anglesey Abbey gardens? Guided by our experienced volunteers, children can
discover new and exciting ways of engaging with the nature that surrounds them. Maximum of 15 children per group. Booking essential. Appropriate for age 3-7.
Wicken Fen – Family
Fun Walking Trail, 10am-4.30pm
For information, see 27 October
Ickworth – Family Fun
Challenge Trail
For information, see 27 October
Welney Widlfowl and
Wetlands Trust – Half Term Family Activities
For information, see 27 October
Cambridge Arts
Theatre – Horrible Histories: Terrible Tudors, 2pm
For information, see 30 October
Cambridge Arts
Theatre – Horrible Histories: Vile Victorians, 7pm
For information, see 30 October
Ely Cinema –
ParaNorman (PG), 3pm and 7.30pm

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